Aladdin was staged at Bohunt from Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th January 1993.


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Phil's Message Phil's
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A very warm and oriental welcome to the world of pantomime. You will enter into a magical world where anything is possible!
Remember that you, the audience, are part of this magic, and throughout the performance we will be asking for your help in defeating the evil Abanazar.

This is MAD's second pantomime, our first being the multi-Oscar winning Cinderella, which catapulted absolutely no-one to stardom. For those of you here for a second helping, forewarned is forearmed; if this is your first visit then ignorance is bliss.

As last year, we the cast have had hours of fun at rehearsal and if you enjoy watching as much as we have performing, then we will all have had a great time.

Special thanks must go to the Director, Vanessa Breach, who has worked tirelessly at every level of this production. May I also thank the many people whose faces you will not see on stage who have prepared scenery, made costumes, organised refreshments etc.

MAD is a Methodist Church based company and well over half of the church people have been involved in one form or another. So sit back, and enjoy the show - oh NO you won't... .oh YES you will... .oh NO you won't

Revd Phil Thomas (Widow Twankey)

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Synopsis & Scenes Phil's
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There are many versions of Aladdin set in many countries and times, and ours is a mixture of them all with a little of our own imagination.

Aladdin and his mother, Widow Twankey, live in Peking, poor but happy enough until one day, the wicked Abanazar arrives to offer them a chance of a lifetime. Will they take it and is it all it seems to be?

Scene 1 Beside the Great Sphinx in Egypt Scene 1 Outside the Cave
Scene 2 A Market Square in Old Peking Scene 2 Inside the Cave
Scene 3 Widow Twankey's Chinese Laundry Scene 3 Gin-Seng's Dressing Room
Scene 4 Back in the Market Square

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Castlist Phil's
Synopsis Castlist Pagetop Home
Abanazar Arvid Woods Toot Derek Bruce
Carmen Jan Treacher-Evans Widow Twankey Phil Thomas
Wishee Washee Kathy Carrig Aladdin Debbie Merrick
Ariella Jackie Bruce Persilla Julie Jenner
Sapphire Jo Evans Ozram David Jenner
Gin-Seng Tanya Woods Lap-Sang Jo Raggett
Emperor Steve Tarpey Typhoo Janet Mosley
Hand-maiden Rebecca Mosley PC Nik Nik Eric Mosley
Burger King Lassie Carron Campbell Camelia the Camel Alison Robertson &Christine Salter
Skeletons Kathy Carrig & Jo Raggett
Guards Nathan Woods, Colin Campbell, Ben Thomas, Jonathan Calvert
Blue Genies Emily Courtnage, Rebekah White, Carron Campbell, Catherine Eyre
Villagers Sue Calvert, Shelley Cozens, Caroline Dove, Alison Ellis, Andrea Gibbs, Mandy Godridge, Sue Peddar, Lisa Ross
Village Children Bethany Breach, Catherine Bruce, Rachel Bruce, Jonathan Calvert, Carron Campbell, Colin Campbell, Claire Carrig, Alice Courtnage, Emily Courtnage, Faye Cozens, Ben Ellis, Catherine Kyre, Anna Hall, Hannah Tarpey, Ben Thomas, Emily Thomas, Deborah White, Rebekah White, Kate Williams, Richard Williams, Joanna Wilson, Penny Wilson, Lydia Woods, Nathan Woods
Piano Phil Richards
Guitar Grahame Polley
Drums John Courtnage
Stage Design/Construction Matt Eaglen Scenery & Artwork John Courtnage, Tracy Evans
Chief Engineer Kevin Carrig Lights/Effects Steve Tarpey, Andy Woodage, Glen Robertson
Wardrobe Monica Church, Maggie Tarpey, Julie Wilson, cast & friends Make-up Christine Williams
Props Alison Ellis Continuity Ginny Goulding
Chorus Mistress Alison Ellis Stage Manager Ray Breach
Back Stage Carol Barratt, Tim Wilson, David Eyre, Peter Eyre, Ian Gower Front of House Dennis Drysdale, Gilbert Church & friends
Script Typing Wendy Woods Programme Layout Derek Bruce
Publicity & Ticket Design Julie Jenner, David Jenner Poster Design Margaret Nicholls & Mic
Ticket Sales Phil Thomas Sweets Kindly donated by CIRCLE K
Refreshments Sue Knight &friends

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All pages are ©MAD Productions 1997-2006
29 December 2005